Panic Anxiety Disorder Symptoms Treatment
Panic anxiety disorder symptoms can be identified by people who are familiar with this disorder or by those who have an attack. Patients who have an attack can describe as a very intense emotional and physical feeling. Many say it is a scary experience because it can simulate most of the signs and symptoms of having a heart attack. The fear of having a heart attack can also make the experience terrifying. Fortunately, there are techniques available today that can help you get your life back.
According to various medical professionals, approximately 40 million people have had this experience at least one time in their lives. Which means, the frequency and severity varies from one individual to another?
Causes of Panic Attacks
Based on information from the Mayo Clinic, this is a disorder that is often misunderstood, since the actual cause can be confusing. This is because people who have these attacks will have a sense of impending danger when there are no signs of danger near them. Some physicians say it is the body's way of protecting them from dangerous situations. However, the reasons for specific attacks have not been identified.
Anxiety Disorders Symptoms - The signs and symptoms of the attack are similar in many cases. However, they are not always the exact same. In fact, when someone is watching an individual have an anxiety attack, they may call for emergency assistance because of some of the physical symptoms exhibited.
Therefore, when a friend or family member sees the person sweating and having shortness of breath, they may describe the attack as a potential heart attack. Some of the other symptoms include rapid heart rate, abdominal cramping, problems swallowing, and dizziness, tightness in the throat area, hot flashes and pain in the chest.
Although, these symptoms are strong signs of heart trouble, a physician can distinguish between the two. Once the symptoms appear, they may last for a short-time frame (5 minutes) or for an extended amount of time (one hour).
Unfortunately, these attacks are not discriminative, since they come on suddenly during the day or at night when the person is trying to sleep. These attacks are not diagnosed as a disorder, however, unless the person has at least four panic anxiety attacks within a space of four weeks.
Panic Anxiety Disorder Treatment
For those who have been diagnosed with the illness, it is important for them to seek professional help. While some medical professionals may recommend taking prescription medicine to avoid anxiety disorder symptoms, others professionals may recommend natural treatment.
With natural solutions, the person can use specific techniques to reduce and eliminate the attacks. In fact, some of these techniques can help with eliminating the attacks within seconds. These techniques can be used anywhere ( home, in the office, or in a shopping mall) and at any time.
Effective panic attack techniques can also help the person with getting their confidence back. Once the person is confident, they can start their regular daily activities and get out again. The major key to getting rid of the attacks is to break the cycles of fear.
Panic attack and anxiety disorder symptoms are suffered by millions of Americans. The signs and symptoms are similar but they can vary based on the individual. Natural techniques and solutions are available now and they are often preferred to taking prescribed medications alone. In any medical situation, try to avoid self-diagnosis and always pay your doctor a visit.
By Joeden Dunne
According to various medical professionals, approximately 40 million people have had this experience at least one time in their lives. Which means, the frequency and severity varies from one individual to another?
Causes of Panic Attacks
Based on information from the Mayo Clinic, this is a disorder that is often misunderstood, since the actual cause can be confusing. This is because people who have these attacks will have a sense of impending danger when there are no signs of danger near them. Some physicians say it is the body's way of protecting them from dangerous situations. However, the reasons for specific attacks have not been identified.
Anxiety Disorders Symptoms - The signs and symptoms of the attack are similar in many cases. However, they are not always the exact same. In fact, when someone is watching an individual have an anxiety attack, they may call for emergency assistance because of some of the physical symptoms exhibited.
Therefore, when a friend or family member sees the person sweating and having shortness of breath, they may describe the attack as a potential heart attack. Some of the other symptoms include rapid heart rate, abdominal cramping, problems swallowing, and dizziness, tightness in the throat area, hot flashes and pain in the chest.
Although, these symptoms are strong signs of heart trouble, a physician can distinguish between the two. Once the symptoms appear, they may last for a short-time frame (5 minutes) or for an extended amount of time (one hour).
Unfortunately, these attacks are not discriminative, since they come on suddenly during the day or at night when the person is trying to sleep. These attacks are not diagnosed as a disorder, however, unless the person has at least four panic anxiety attacks within a space of four weeks.
Panic Anxiety Disorder Treatment
For those who have been diagnosed with the illness, it is important for them to seek professional help. While some medical professionals may recommend taking prescription medicine to avoid anxiety disorder symptoms, others professionals may recommend natural treatment.
With natural solutions, the person can use specific techniques to reduce and eliminate the attacks. In fact, some of these techniques can help with eliminating the attacks within seconds. These techniques can be used anywhere ( home, in the office, or in a shopping mall) and at any time.
Effective panic attack techniques can also help the person with getting their confidence back. Once the person is confident, they can start their regular daily activities and get out again. The major key to getting rid of the attacks is to break the cycles of fear.
Panic attack and anxiety disorder symptoms are suffered by millions of Americans. The signs and symptoms are similar but they can vary based on the individual. Natural techniques and solutions are available now and they are often preferred to taking prescribed medications alone. In any medical situation, try to avoid self-diagnosis and always pay your doctor a visit.
By Joeden Dunne